Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Apparently liberal anti-Christian hatred isn't just confined to the Left Coast

I would draw attention to the second image on this page, the one with the man in the clerical shirt wearing the "ignore the poor" button. If the Minnesota Democratic Party had the intention of attacking one specific Protestant minister then perhaps they should have chosen an image that singled him out specifically. As it stands, this ad appears to be an attack on all conservative clergy and is therefore inexcusable. Liberals attack conservatives who use bigotry to gain votes, for them to turn around and stoke the flames of anti-Christian hatred for votes in hypocrisy at its worst.


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  4. Sean. I'm not using liberal in the classical sense of the word.

    I'm from California, and almost everyone there is a modern liberal with the intent of destroying the Church's voice in the public square and I've seen the damage first hand in San Fran. Evil is what it is.
